SwarmForg3D Studio

Where Web3, AI, and 3D printing combine to produce new and innovative art via applied technology.

Mint one of 25 Limited Edition NFT-NYC MicroCones
April 12 - April 16 only!

Mint your NTFR on Polygon and then get the matching 3D print in person.
"NFTR" - Non-Fungible Tokenized Reality - collections from SwarmForg3D use NFTs for redeemable 3D prints. Your NFT acts as the Certificate of Authenticity after the print is claimed.


About SwarmForged

SwarmForge3D is the creation space of SwarmMaster, a seasoned robotics engineer with over two decades' experience blending imagination with advanced technology and functionality.
Now he is creating contracts, communities, and custom 2D/3D pieces for NFT artists and crypto lovers. 

From collection themed merchandise to advertising displays, awards, and personalized NFT/PFP objets d'art.

Whatever you can imagine, SwarmForg3D can help your collection go from Web3 to Web3D!

3D Art & NFTR Collections

Physical prints of digital assets crafted for NFT artists on both Ethereum and Polygon chains.

Plus reddit  r/Coneheads promotional merch.
Golden Reality Cone NFTR (Minted out: secondary sales only)
Silver Reality Cone NFTR

u/Chipperdoodle ConeHead Avatar Celebration

Harvmam BLOCKS Cone 3D Tributes

M'stash boxes

Keep other hands off m'stash with these stylish containers.
Customizations available!

r/ConeHeads Merch

Keychains, awards, NFT Redeemable prints, and MicroCones.

NFT Collections

AI/Human-hybrid NFT collections fusing generative art with expressive stories and asset gamification.

Conspicuous Conemates: True Community-Inspired Art

A themed collection of Conemate space farers and their mutated Coneposter nemesis born from the weird reddit.com sub known as r/Conemates,  all characters have poem backstories and art traits inspired by live Discord community design sessions held over the winter. The people who love and support this project help to create it and get free NFTs they create and future collection control via voting pass NFTs awarded for participation.
Genesis Color Gangs have all been created, and all OG Voting passes have been distributed.
Second Gen collection is moving towards a complete art redesign for generative PFPs and Contract Gamification of both the Genesis collection and future works.
Watch Conemates.Space for updates!

Conependium Realis - Serialized NFT Micro-fiction

This bizarre collection of images, stories, and dialogue - released in hybrid serial publication via Reddit thread posts and Polygon NFTs - combines string theory, cosmic topology, AI art, niche community themes, and intrigue to bring forth a strange tale of a machine creating multiple realities that threatens to conesume everything once unleashed.
Installments {1} {2} {3} {4}

What cones next?


Get in touch today to bring your NFTs to reality.